
Right now, Greece is the country of the unlimited business opportunities. The ancient Chinese said that crisis equals to opportunity and we can see how right they were by looking at Greece today.

Nowadays Greece is the place to invest and buy.

When you decide to invest in Greece it is always better to have a local ally to work with. We at Kyearta offer just that.

We do it with dozens of experienced financial and business managers in our company.

Every one of them knows from their personal experience what it means to do business in Greece. Our employees have theoretical and practical training and they are the people to whom with ease and security you can trust your investment.

In Kyearta we realize business opportunities in Greece and we help the country in this situation of crisis.

Where to find us

Sporadon 1, Athina 113 61, Greece

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A clever book by Paul Kirchhof

Paul Kirchhof has written a clever book. His criticism applies to the German government debt. It analyzes the issues in depth and presents concrete solutions to escape the debt trap. There are incredible numbers. For example, according to the plans of the Ministry of Finance this year, Germany’s debt will rise to more than 2.2 trillion euros of debt, which is an equivalent to a debt ratio of over 83 percent.

Germany would have to repay more than € 800 billion in order to achieve the EU-wide total allowable debt 00471491_6D95E79A81F9A9689D6C6B30A5FE5819level of 60 percent of gross domestic product. With a total tax revenue of the Federal Republic of € 530 billion is expected it to be almost impossible. Now it can be said: We are deeply in debt. If we put it cynically, it would mean that Germany is a failing enterprise. The tone was always friendly, of course.

In his interesting book “Germany in Schuldensog”, Paul urges a speedy return of the government borrowing to zero and for a reduction in deficits. Germany has the debt problem is not currently. Ultimately, it is good to know that a stability of money without a stability of the law is not achievable.

The bulk of the book revolves around concrete proposals on how to strengthen the state again. Here are some quotes: „New debt can be avoided if the budget balances revenues and expenditures without new loans“. This legal norm would be achieved if the German parliament would retain its authority over the budget. Also, if be implemented protect against desires of other states and the reach of the financial market. German lawmakers should refuse grants a country whose per capita debt is cheaper or similar to their own debt. It comes to a clear protection of “financial transaction tax”, which is both exchange and OTC financial transactions.

To get out of the debt trap, it is necessary to be moderate the government spending. It is recommend, to be put more revenue in the future as and work focused on reduction of liabilities. Grants to other governments, banks and manufacturing companies should be made only on reciprocity: So, if a state had rehabilitated the other would have to support them after refurbishment by financial services, credit and interest rate discounts or free shipping of products.

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